My stepmother asked Eric to write about his impressions of Germany as a new arrival. Eric found Germany to be a nice, friendly place, contrary to the vision that he had previously had. Although many of the Germans that he has run into in the States have been rather reserved and stoic, he found the people of Karlsruhe and Munich to be very warm and inviting. Eric also admired the way the Germans have been able to integrate modern cities and architecture with the historic architecture. The German castles had Eric thinking about what it must have been like to live during those times.
Eric and I agreed that Bavarian food is good - for a short period of time. Eric thought the beer halls were overwhelming – they are huge communal gathering places. He was tempted to buy a pair of lederhosen, but couldn’t figure out a practical use for them in the States. If we lived in Munich, though, he would certainly own them. Lederhosen- they’re not just for Oktoberfest! People do wear them on a daily basis here, especially in Bavaria.
Driving through Germany is very picaresque, with neat white farmhouses and well-laid out fields. Driving through the Italian countryside is very rustic. Nothing is neat, most of the buildings are falling down, but the landscape is stunning. In regards to both countries, Eric was amazed how much the sky looks like a painting.
I asked Eric which country inspired him the most artistically. He replied that they both inspire him, but in different ways. Germany inspires graphic design, and Italy inspires photography to capture the colors of the landscape here. Everything looks beautiful in Italy.
When asked where he would rather live for a year, Eric said he would rather live in Munich for a year vs. Rome. Although Rome is beautiful, he found the general lack of order unnerving. Germany inspired in him a new love for structure and design, and he admires the German efficiency in conducting everyday life. One downside to Munich – everything seems to close at 8 pm!